Archive | December 2015

One Enchanted Christmas by Melissa Tagg

Back in May, I read Three Little Words and From the Start by Melissa Tagg and enjoyed her writing so much that I signed up to receive email updates from her, which are just as humorous as her books.  Because of those emails, I was able to download One Enchanted Christmas, an e-novella by Melissa Tagg, on the day it released, which was just two days ago.   I finished reading this humorous and romantic story last night and wanted to let you know that you too can download it for only 99 cents right now on Amazon.  The entertainment is definitely worth a dollar!


Maren Grant is an author who is infatuated with her main character and then gets to meet the cover model for her book, who looks amazingly like the character she had created in her mind/book.  What happens a year after their “enchanted” night out takes Maren on an unexpected journey that is both humorous and heartwarming. This is a wonderful book to read during this Christmas season.  

Melissa Tagg is a “total Iowa girl”, according to her bio, and most of her books are set in Iowa.  If you are from Iowa or live there now, you’ll definitely enjoy Tagg’s books.