Tag Archive | construction

The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson

The Red Door Inn is an intriguing story of courage, love, forgiveness, and tenacity set on an idyllic island.  Liz Johnson’s writing creates a yearning in me to visit Prince Edward Island and stay in a bed-and-breakfast.  The small-town atmosphere and hospitality in the novel keep the story moving and help the characters confront their personal problems and take action.  

Marie Carrington is broke and alone when she meets Jack Sloane, an older gentleman who sees her need and offers her a job and a place to stay at his bed-and-breakfast that is still under construction.  Marie is terrified of Jack’s nephew Seth, who is helping Jack restore the B and B.   Seth Sloane has just been jilted by his fiancé, who also robbed him of his own business and drained his bank accounts.

Johnson weaves together so many lives in this book that it’s no wonder this is only the beginning of a series she calls Prince Edward Island Dreams.  I am definitely looking forward to reading the next installment in this fascinating series.